
Prepping Your Little Ones for a Photo Shoot

Prepping your little ones for a photo shoot can be so helpful!

6 months to Year

The time of day really does matter for this age group! I always suggest to parents to be sure and let me know if your little one takes naps. I will ALWAYS work around the babies nap schedule. If your baby is happiest in the mornings before a nap or if your baby is happiest in the afternoon after a nap! Those are the best times for a photo shoot with your little one! We all know there is no reasoning with age, so I will treat it as play time for them. They might be chewing on their toes or I’ll capture those sweet chubby rolls and pudgy little fingers. This is such a fun age to capture.

If you’re not sure what you want your baby to wear, I have some adorable outfits for this age that will match my style as an artist! From rompers to diaper covers, no need to go out and buy anything special. I have your back on this one!!

1 year -3 years

Before your session, pack a bag with snacks, water and any small objects (like s favorite toy ) that might help us get their attention when it’s time for them to look at the camera. If they are old enough to understand you, it’s a good idea to prepare them for what’s to come before the session starts. Explain how much the photos mean to you so they know to be on their best behavior.  A lot of families discuss and pick something fun in advance as a treat after the session if they’re good listeners, like an ice cream cone, for example. (Trust me I am not above bribery…and have some nonstaining snacks on hand for the occasion and I’m not afraid to use them! )

It also helps if their bellies are full. Once you prepare them physically and mentally, give them (and you) some grace! They’re little, and we know that some days don’t always go as planned. I  have seen it all and will make sure to get you great photos, regardless of their moods. Our goal is to make this as fun and stress-free as possible for you and your little one.

Let your child smile naturally! 

I always try and get children to smile naturally, if at all possible. As a parent please resist telling your child to say CHEESE. Our goal will be to get a natural smile and genuine giggle! The best way to get a ‘real smile’ is to actually make your child laugh or smile.   I will focus on being silly and may even ask for your help to get a genuine smile and emotions from them. I’m not above acting like a fool, playing games and singing crazy songs. Often times parents know exactly what to do to prompt that real smile and I depend on your help with this age!

If your child is really shy or just grumpy and won’t have anything to do with a smile, that’s okay with me. I do have a few fun toys on hand that will blend in nicely with your photos. We’ll just sit them down and let them play and be natural. No forced smiles that might turn into tears. But remember prepping your little ones for a photoshoot and following a few strategic plans will help a ton!

Prepping Your Little Ones for a Photo Shoot


One of my favorite things about being a portrait photographer is having repeat clients year after year and watching their family grow. Whether your child is the type to run wild at the session or one that is super shy, as a photographer, it doesn’t matter to me! It’s all apart of who they are and capturing their personalities is what I’m striving for at every shoot.

Were all these sessions perfect? Did the kids behave 100 percent of the time? NO, but we still got some great images and captured some of their fun personalities! If your interested in having simple photographs of your toddler please contact me, I’d love to work with you!

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