
Newmont Nevada

Newmont Nevada

Since taking my first photography class…I have been hungry for knowledge!!!  In fact I think I could become a professional photography student.

No matter what skill level you are at in photography…there is always room to learn and room for  growth.

Feeding my creative soul and stretching my creative muscles is always in the forefront of my mind.

Be it looking for new locations, stumbling upon and ordinary item and trying to see it in an extraordinary way or  finding  inspiration from other talented photographers…

I am always on the look out and something always  seems to trigger my imagination!!!

A few of my friends recently went to the St Louis and after seeing their images…I was totally inspired!!

I knew immediately what I wanted to try and capture…I had a vision!

I wan’t sure how I was going to pull the location off as it is secured and not accessible  without permission.

But that did not stop me…..I was on a mission.

After going through all the proper channels and getting clearance…….this is what my creative muscles stretching and feeding my creative soul looks like!!!!

Newmont Nevada ~ Roaster Plant at night!

Nemont Nevada web5G1A0817Newmont Nevada Gold Roaster at nightMill 6 at Newmont Nevada Gold mine at nightNewmont Nevada mill 6 at night time with all the lightsNewmont Nevada Gold mine mill 6 roaster at night

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